Finding Unexpected Style in Dental Office Design

Dental office loungeSometimes it’s easy to get lost in the technology and gadgetry of a business and lose sight of the importance of design. This is true of modern dentistry. While crucially important, focusing on the newest tool, cleaning technique or product need not be your practice’s only focus. Consider the overall patient experience as well. Don’t make the last place one would expect to find design and innovation, the dentist’s office.


In business, every detail matters. From your logo design to the signature colors of your office walls, you present both yourself and your company to the public daily. Since they may many choices, it’s important to make your office stand out as both superbly qualified and unique. How is this achieved? First, you should consider your overall business goals. What do you want your office to look and feel like? How do you want patients to move through and interact with your space? A patient-centered approach can help you sharpen your design focus and streamline your dental office construction ideas.


Additionally, you must know the demographics of your area. Do you cater to a large population of younger families? If so, consider building a play space with toys and children’s books in your waiting room. Do your patients need greater privacy in your check-in area? Constructing a partition so patrons can confidentially provide insurance information and schedule appointments may increase feelings of security and boost satisfaction.


Be consistent in your design, carrying it through all aspects of your practice. Walk through the steps patients would take; notice what they spend time noticing. When you’re ready, contact a professional. Licensed contractors can help you make all of your design and dental office construction decisions while keeping in mind patient satisfaction, safety and overall office efficiency. Whether it’s a small-scale renovation or large remodeling project, begin creating the innovative, patient-centered space you desire today.